Friday, June 11, 2010


It has been 3 months since my last blog. In the past 3 Months so many things have happend change is evident all around. March 4 My daughter graced this world and Now I cant belive I ever survived living without her. We named her Ashlyn Neveah shes such a happy baby and I mean happy she maybe cries once or twice a day and already at 3 months sleeps threw the night. So if your wondering yes, yes I am aware of how lucky and blessed I am. But oh belive me she was a little hand full at first. For the first month and a half off and on she was something and there were times I wanted to pull my hair out but like they said it would it passed. Along with the days and oh my how amazing that is to wake up and every day shes doing something new. No longer is she the baby who just lays there stairing blankly she is smiling all the time talking or more like cooing or screaming making noises only a mother could understand shes just too adorable to not find sweet. There is no longer a day that I am not laughing for somereason. Oh how I love being a mommy. With baby comes change in so may aspects. The one I am having a very hard time with is the fact my chores come second. My house is still clean but no means like it used to be. I am told that it only goes down hill from here though. I cant help but to sit back and giggle looking at my living room one corner theres a swing other bouncy seat and exersaucer. the reason I giggle is me and my husband both said it wouldnt get like that along with other things we said we wouldnt do that we have done. I realize having children make you a open minded person more than what you ever thought you could be. It comes down to what makes life a little more simple, what makes Ashlyn happy Because if shes content so are we. Oh theres so many changes I myself still have days where I wake up and am like oh crap I have a child lol (not a bad oh crap) But threw all the changes the new apperance the everyday pony tail the clutter that gets pushed to tomarrow threw everything new and odd to me I embrace everything and love it all!